We are committed to the integrity of the luxury modern furniture and will not buy or sell items that are replicas, knockoffs, or items that are not 100% authentic. We stand firm behind the authenticity of our merchandise and can provide country of origin certificates on request to reassure our customers that we are an established resource for 100% authentic Italian and European modern furniture.
100% authentic
100% authentic is part of who we are and have always been. We are proud to represent and have direct affiliations with leading Italian and European brands as well as the talented designers responsible for the creative and iconic products this industry is known for.
our commitment
authenticity matters
room service 360° is trusted by thousands of clients worldwide, therefore, we carefully evaluate and select all our products and guarantee that we are an authorized dealer of every brand that we sell. All products that are found in our store and on our website are sourced directly from the original brand factory and are guaranteed to be 100% authentic, that means the real thing!